Azienda Agricola
Santa Maria

Discover our wine
"1885 Chianti Classico"

The vineyard represents the basis of the wine product, so if the vineyard is well the wine will be good.

Our company has a fairly rare concept in the park of Tuscan viticultureand especially of Chianti.

In the management of the vineyard, of the vinification up to the bottle, the philosophy that binds the whole process focuses on principles oforganic and byodinamic agriculture.

Already in the vineyard these principles are translated into indirect interventions on the ground and on the plant, citing some examples, pruning is performed very late, both to avoid damage from frost, and to have a delayed bud break, with the intent of following at least one treatment less phytosanitary. ..

1885 Chianti Classico


The vineyard represents the basis of the wine product, so if the vineyard is well the wine will be good.


We are in Castelnuovo Berardenga, Siena, the heart of Chianti Classico


Every wine is like a child that nature gives us, with the promise to take care of it..

Villa Santa Maria

This intention to make known to the world not only the product Chianti,but also the history and the place which finds expression in the desire of creating a property to host people from all over the world.

Find out more


Località Stellino n°8 53019
Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI)

Tel: 3664826586

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