
The location, in the municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga, makes possible the presence of the natural conditions for the production of Chianti Classico

Discover our wine

Santa Maria has a very particular conception in making wine by linking the most ancient Tuscan traditions of vine cultivation with the innovation of the oenological part strictly following the principles of organic and biodynamic agriculture.

The location, in the municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga, makes possible the presence of  natural conditions for the production of Chianti Classico, called Santa Maria which is expressed through the personality of the product, the maximum expression of itself.

The territory, the seasons, the climate and the weather are the inputs to achieve the desired final  result, elements that are simple, humble, whose presence represents an added value, not an obstacle, awareness of the present terroir is already a point successfull.

Together they bind trying on tiptoe to accompany the plant in the rhythm of the seasons, always  staying a step backwards and then the light green of spring gives way to the blue of the bunches and then to the yellow and brown of the rest period.

Discover the farmhouse

The vineyard represents the basis of the wine product,
so if the vineyard is well the wine will be good.


Località Stellino n°8 53019
Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI)

Tel: 3664826586

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