
Santa Maria is a small reality in the province of Siena.

Discover our wine

Small is its vineyard area completely cultivated with Sangiovese which reaches one hectare of extension.

Of these, about 1/4 of the total is present in “Maritata” form as they say in Tuscany or more correctly mixed, as there are about 300 olive trees that alternate with vines, as it was typical to see once in any farm in the region, until the ’70s when even the rural world could not back down from the great revolution and illusion that was the economic boom.

The general layout of the farm I can say that it has remained almost unchanged since its birth, which dates back, according to certain sources to 1885, (a date which is also present in the wine label) and as mentioned with regard to the agricultural part of the territory , both as regards the architectural part of the structures.

Going into the specifics of the wine material, the production is around 5000-6000 kg of total grapes, which translated into other numbers means about 5000 bottles per year, with minimums and maximums more present than in the past, due to extreme variations, today now ordinary day of the weather conditions.

The product is therefore the son of those who grow and care for it and of the environment in which it grows, so in addition to quantity, the variables also occur with regard to the organoleptic and chemical characteristics; strong personality nuanced from year to year, facets that take a modest upper hand over the range of characteristics always present in the product.


Every vintage and every wine is like a child, like a birth, which nature gives us with the promise to take care of it ... just like the fathers.

I cannot fail to refer to the present manor house, with the typical characteristics of the Tuscan sharecropping building,, in which in each house there was a ground floor used as a livestock shelter, and a first floor that was used as a dwelling, as well as the presence of others buildings used for the storage of forage and the classic "barnyard" present to join the latter to the house.

For this reason it was thought about 15 years ago to restructure everything in order to subsequently obtain an entity for agritourism purposes, with the aim of transmitting this image to every person from any part of the world who wants to see and know the reality of the territory. .

Our philosophy is therefore the same and it is always present in the general conception of how to “carry on” the reality that we are willing to carry on at this time.

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